Check Out KL Creations New Site With Shopping Carts And Paypal

KL Creations is pleased to announce that their new site has shopping carts and paypal. After everybody asking how they could buy them we decided to add these convenient features for all of our customers. Check back daily as we are adding new products with shopping carts daily. If there is something you have seen before but just dont see it right now email us and we can send you a email with your purchase so you can pay with paypal.

Petite Flower Hair Clips

Check out the new petite flower hair clips made with genuine swarovski crystals. Perfect for the girl who just wont keep the headband on or has alot of hair. These clips sell for just $9.00, and are guaranteed to make heads turn. Kl Creations loves bringing these adorable clips to everyone in Yuba City. These hair clips are perfect for pictures,weddings or for that extra special touch to your outfit.

Here is my adorable niece Cicily wearing one of the clips that I made for her. Thanks sweetie for modeling for me

Crochet hats

Just another one of our adorable models wearing one of the creations that she bought from us. Thank you sammy you are so adorable.

Here they are just a few of the many options you can get. The hats come in Hot pink, Pink, Bublegum pink, black,purple and white. You can also get the hats with ribbon in them or with no ribbon. There are many different flowers with swarovski crystals or clips. Call me for custom orders. All hats 26.00.

The Flower Garden Collection

Check out this fun colleciton of colorful flower clips and headbands that you can mix and match any way you like.

Purple Gerber Dasiy with swarovski crystals and your choice headband (see below) - $18

White Gerber Daisy with swarovski crystals and your choice of headband (see below) - $18

Match a flower with your daughters favorite crochet headband in (1 1/2 in. wide).

These classy headbands are perect for your daughter's next formal ;-) Three-inch flower with swarovski crystals on a black elastic headband - $18 each

Christmas Inspirations

Christmas is coming! I think you will absolutley love these holiday-inspired headbands and clips. Take a look!

Christmas Blosom Headband (also with white band). I just love this one! - $18 each

Christmas Blosom Clips $9 each - Keira doesn't quite have the hair for clips yet, but it is only a matter of time before she will be modeling these.